А. Вивальди. «Времена года»
А. Пьяццолла. «Времена года в Буэнос-Айресе»
Родион ПЕТРОВ, скрипка
Симфонический оркестр Москвы «Русская филармония»
Оформление видеопроекциями
The Four Seasons by Antonio Vivaldi is one of the most famous composer’s works.
In the XX century the most well-known Argentinean composer Astor Piazzolla who gave new life to tango, caught up and developed the four seasons’ theme. It was one of the most daring attempts in the XX century to interpret popular musical tradition in a new way. In this concert the virtuoso violinist Rodion Petrov appears with the Moscow City Symphony – Russian Philharmonic.
two parts, 45 minutes each
Оформление видеопроекциями
Родион ПЕТРОВ, скрипка
Симфонический оркестр Москвы «Русская филармония»
В программе:
А. Вивальди. «Времена года»
А. Пьяццолла. «Времена года в Буэнос-Айресе»
The Four Seasons by Antonio Vivaldi is one of the most famous composer’s works.
In the XX century the most well-known Argentinean composer Astor Piazzolla who gave new life to tango, caught up and developed the four seasons’ theme. It was one of the most daring attempts in the XX century to interpret popular musical tradition in a new way. In this concert the virtuoso violinist Rodion Petrov appears with the Moscow City Symphony – Russian Philharmonic.
two parts, 45 minutes each