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Classica Energy

Classica Energy

Svetlanov hall
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Разрушая стереотипы

Симфонический оркестр Москвы «Русская филармония»

The new project of the Moscow City Symphony – Russian Philharmonic orchestra presents the immortal masterpieces of classical music in contemporary sound and style. All stereotypes are being broken here, and the classic hits of all times appear in rock, latin, jazz, disco, electronic and other popular styles.

Продолжительность мероприятия:

100 minutes without intermission

ООО "Оркестра"

Классика энерджи
Разрушая стереотипы

Симфонический оркестр Москвы «Русская филармония»
Дирижер – дополнительно

The new project of the Moscow City Symphony – Russian Philharmonic orchestra presents the immortal masterpieces of classical music in contemporary sound and style. All stereotypes are being broken here, and the classic hits of all times appear in rock, latin, jazz, disco, electronic and other popular styles.

Продолжительность мероприятия:

100 minutes without intermission

ООО "Оркестра"